import { kcContext as kcLoginThemeContext } from "keycloak-theme/login/kcContext"; import { kcContext as kcAccountThemeContext } from "keycloak-theme/login/kcContext"; /** * If you need to use process.env.PUBLIC_URL, use this variable instead. * If you can, import your assets using the import statement. * * See: */ export const PUBLIC_URL = (()=>{ const kcContext = (()=>{ if( kcLoginThemeContext !== undefined ){ return kcLoginThemeContext; } if( kcAccountThemeContext !== undefined ){ return kcLoginThemeContext } return undefined; })(); return (kcContext === undefined || process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") ? process.env.PUBLIC_URL : `${kcContext.url.resourcesPath}/build`; })();