- Added `DiscordAuthGuard` to handle Discord authentication
- Added `JwtAuthGuard` to handle JWT authentication
These guards are used in the `auth.controller.ts` and `user.controller.ts` files to protect routes that require authentication.
- Added "@nestjs/mapped-types" package to package.json
- Added "class-transformer" and "class-validator" packages to package.json
- Imported ValidationPipe from "@nestjs/common" in main.ts and added it as a global pipe
- Added validation decorators to CreateUserInput, SetUserPasswordInput, and UpdateUserInput classes
- Created UserController with create, findAll, and removeUser methods
- Updated UserEntity class with @Exclude decorator for password field
- Updated UserModule to include UserController
- Updated UserService to use class-transformer for mapping Prisma entities to UserEntity class
- Updated UserService to return UserEntity instances instead of Prisma entities
- Updated UserService to handle NotFoundException for setPassword and remove methods